Friday 11 December 2015

Target Audience Research

I created a small focus group consisting of people within my target audience and asked some questions related to the construction of my own media product. This was a good method of market research as I got information directly from the people I will be targeting. The volunteers were from ages 16-18 (which is within my age group for my audience profile of 16-30) female (as I will be attracted a predominately female audience) besides one male who was there as part of a secondary audience and to provide a male gaze. This was extremely helpful as I learnt things like what price people will be willing to pay, what colours they like, which artists they enjoy. Overall the main thing which I took from this focus group is that people who enjoy Indie-pop music are all about up and coming artist so will be introducing a new artist for my cover and DPS, but overall everything which was said will influence my decisions when it comes to the creation of my real media product.

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