Saturday 26 March 2016

Audience Feedback On My Product

Below is some audience feedback on my final product which I gained through:

-Posting my magazine on Facebook and receiving comments
-Classmates who gave feedback on my magazine via post it notes

Personal commentary on criticism:

"I don't like Ed Sheeran won't appeal to your audience, don't use serif fonts either"
- This is the reason I chose such a controversial pull quote as I am aware it is one of which my reader will have many views on and want to find out more to why Florence and the machine said such a negative comment, so will get the magazine in order to find out the context. I included a serif font which is generally a big NO in media to emphasis the more controversial pull quote and to make the cover look more quirky.
"I Couldn't read the April easily"
- I am aware that putting an Arrow through the letters does make the text harder to read ;however this is the risk which I took in order to  make it look more appealing similar to 'Ke$ha' as it makes the artists name look more quirky and Indie which will appeal to my audience.
"Fonts different sizes on DPS"
-This was also intentional to make the most important quotes to stand out on the page e.g. "I am the luckiest girl in the world" was made one size larger as this is something which will lure in the audience to read the full article, this isn't challenging conventions too much as I have seen other magazines do this also through my research and planning.
"The magazine is a bit feminine, I wouldn't buy it personally"
-My audience would be young women, hence why a man wouldn't wish to purchase it for himself. which means that I did well at attracting the desired audience and reflecting particular social groups.
Overall, I feel as though my audience feedback was predominantly positive which gives me confidence in my product.

Displaying image1.JPG

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